Daily Archives: October 20, 2016

Once more: Facing Doubt


A lot has happened since a few months ago my recent book FACING DOUBT: a Book for Adventist Believers ‘on the Margins’ was published.  Most reactions from readers around the world have been very positive. Time and again I received messages telling me that the book described their personal situation. Some added that it helped them to face their doubts in a more constructive way and to see their church in a realistic but more positive way, in spite of the trends they do not like.  Selected reactions have been posted regularly on the special Facebook page:  @facingdoubt.

At time I have wondered about the wisdom of sticking my neck out in the way I did. But, looking back, I feel richly rewarded and it is a truly fulfilling ministry to support an important –sometimes marginal—segment in the Adventist Church.

As I expected there have been preciously few reaction from church leaders (Many did receive a copy and through the pipeline I get signals that it is being read and that some even feel it is important that the book gets a wide audience)

Official church channels for the promotion of the book have mostly remained closed. This, of course, presents a challenge. How do we make more people in the church aware of the book?  I am very grateful for the support I received from Adventist Today and Spectrum, and from the many individuals who have used their social media contacts to help with the promotion of the book.  As a result, for some weeks the book was the nr. 1 best selling Adventist book on Amazon.

The Dutch edition has received a warm reception from many of my fellow Dutchmen. French, Danish and Russian translations are under way. Initial contacts have been made with a view to also getting the book out in the German and Norwegian language. And—who knows?—a Spanish translation might also be feasible. Finding the funding for the costs of translations, etc. remains one other challenge, which means that things may not go as quickly as I had hoped.

However, the time has come to give the English (and Dutch) edition another promotional boost.  One again I want to ask all my (now almost 4.000) blog readers to look at my current Facebook page. My simple question is: Please share this page with all your FB ‘friends’ and ask them to then share it further with their network!

And, of course, please tell others about the book (or give it to relatives and friends whom you feel might benefit from it.

A big thank you!

PS  And if you hav not ordered your own copy: do so now at Amazon.com.