Mostly positive Corona-news

This weekend I was supposed to be in Frankfurt am Main for a few lectures at a meeting of the AWA (Adventistische Wissenschaftlicher Arbeitskreis). Due to the Corona crisis, this event was cancelled, just like a series of other activities that filled my calendar for the next six to eight weeks. Well, it is how it is! And maybe some of these events can take place at some later date. But, to be honest, I am irritated by the fact that, for the time being, a lot of preparatory work seems to have been in vain! However, compared to the misery and setbacks that others are currently experiencing, I realize I have no right to be upset and I should rather be grateful that I can sit behind my desk and write this blog.

Besides all the negative Corona news there are fortunately also many good things to report. In many countries we see men and women in politics and in various sectors of society, who show real leadership. The Dutch prime minister and the ministers dealing with aspects of the crisis, as well as people in education and health care, deserve our greatest admiration.

But there are also many smaller things that confirm Rutger Bregman’s thesis that ‘most people are OK’ (see his book with the same title, published last year). It is also nice that people call others and want to know if everything is going well. Within the small Adventist church in Harderwijk, which also includes the church members who live in Zeewolde, a lot of elderly people were called in the past few weeks and people kept in touch with each other through various aps. A few days ago someone rang our doorbell. The secretary of the residents’ association of our building with 32-apartments, with mostly plus-60 residents, came to bring us a fruit basket, and wanted to know if we are doing well. Our son urged me and my wife several times last week from Sweden (where he lives) to be very careful, because, he said, ‘You belong to group that is most vulnerable! Our daughter was worried about us, too. And even though there’s nothing wrong with us so far, their concern warms our hearts.

It’s also great to see how many good initiatives are being started to help one another. And to see all the creativity that is emerging to provide on-line education to children who presently can’t go to school and how people are working very creatively in all kinds of ways to expand the capacity of the health care system. It is also good to see how restaurants and other eating places are finding new ways to remain in business in spite of all the problems they face.

As someone who has always been (and still is) closely connected with church life, I do wonder what impact the Corona measures will have on the church in both the short and longer term. What will it do to people, who have always relied on their weekly church attendance, if they are unable to attend a divine service, perhaps for some time? Will there be many people who, when the crisis is over, no longer feel the need to attend church physically? Will they get so accustomed to virtual church attendance that they will continue to get their spiritual nurture while sitting on their couch?

Undoubtedly, the crisis also has a major impact on church finances, both locally, regionally and nationally. Will members remain faithful in their pattern of giving? And what, if there will be a recession, with a lot of unemployment, which will result in substantially lower income for the church? Hopefully people will realize that even during a crisis the church must pay salaries and pay its regular bills. In the meantime, many expenses are avoided because people are forced to use digital technology, to hold meetings without traveling to a particular locality. In the future, this may become the norm rather than the exception dictated by this crisis.

On Thursday, March 19, it was decided that the World Congress of the Adventist Church, that was planned for early July in the American city of Indianapolis, will be postponed until May 2021, and that this Congress will then be greatly slimmed down. The good news is that far-reaching plans are now also being made to make future world congresses much more sober events. That is good news. The five-yearly world congress had gradually grown into a huge circus, and no one has any idea how much it really costs. It is true that the world organization has a budget for this, but in addition to that, enormous costs are incurred all over the world by church entities and individuals to be able to take part in the congress.

It is a disappointment for many that the changes in the church which many are eagerly hoping for, will not happen for another year. In any case, the Church will have to make do with its current leaders for another year. But who knows: perhaps this interim period will strengthen the sense that change is needed to ensure that the Church remains relevant, also in the post-Corona era.

The Corona virus

This blog must, of course, be about the Corona virus. All the media are constantly talking about it. Worldwide there are now more than 120,000 people registered as ‘infected’. In China, if we can believe what the Chinese are telling us, it seems to be heading in the right direction, but in Italy things continue to get worse. In the Netherlands (on Thursday 12 March) the number of Corona patients stands at over 600, but the authorities say that the exact number is unknown and probably much higher. Worldwide, the official number of deaths as a result of Corona is now over 4,000.

The Corona virus, or COVID-19, as the virus is officially called, has now evolved from an epidemic into a pandemic. Medical institutions around the world are making preparations for all kinds of doomsday scenarios. While doctors and other scientists are advising politicians how to curb a further spread, and at the same time are eagerly looking for a vaccine, Donald Trump and other world leaders are mainly worried about stock market prices and the chance of a recession. Life on a large part of our planet is pretty messed up. As of tomorrow, flights between Europe and the USA will be seriously restricted. Many companies have problems because no parts “made in China” are being delivered; planes with a handful of passengers are making ghost flights, conferences are being cancelled, and the tourist industry foresees a catastrophic year.

Personally, so far I have not had any major Corona problems. I know there is someone infected in our town, after having returned from Northern Italy, but name and address of the person are (of course) not made public. But things may now also begin to affect us. My wife and I were planning to go to a concert in the Concertgebouw next Sunday, together with friends, but I have just been notified that the concert has been cancelled. In about ten days I have a speaking assignment in Frankfurt am Main. I hope that meeting will take place as scheduled, but this is beginning to look very doubtful.

If Italian situations should arise in the Netherlands, they could upset my program in the coming weeks and months. But, of course, that’s an insignificant aspect of the big picture!

All kinds of big events are at risk. For example, the European Song Festival in Rotterdam. I won’t lose any sleep over it, if that doesn’t go ahead. Maybe the Olympics in Japan will have to be postponed. That thought must be a nightmare for the Japanese organizers. The leadership of the worldwide Adventist Church has announced that it hopes the World Congress in July, in the American city of Indianapolis, can go ahead. But other scenarios are presently being considered. Could that mean that the congress will have to be postponed for a year? And does that mean that the hopes of many, that the congress may at long last bring change, will in any case not be realized for another year?

Many will remember the words of Jesus that before He returns all kinds of disasters will take place. These are the so-called ‘signs of the times’. Is the Corona pandemic a ‘sign of the times’? Yes, we may see it that way, but we have to place it in the broader biblical perspective. According to the New Testament, the time of the end is the period between the first and second coming of Christ. During this period there are constant signs that this world is coming to an end, and is waiting for the new future that is ushered in by Christ’s second coming. In any case, the current Corona situation shows very clearly how everything in our world is interconnected, and that very suddenly something can happen that has global repercussions with incalculable consequences.

Looking to the immediate future: I was scheduled to preach this Saturday in one of the Adventist churches in Amsterdam, but I’ve just heard that the service will not take place. A few other appointments for the next weeks have been cancelled as well. It looks like there will be extra time in the coming weeks to work on a new book. This proves once again that every disadvantage may also have its advantage!

Books and their authors

Meeting with authors usually has the added benefit of getting a free copy of their latest book. Recently I spent two weeks in Southern California for some speaking appointments (and in connection with receiving the Charles Elliott Weniger Award of Excellence). This also gave me the opportunity to meet once again with friends and some colleagues whom I greatly admire. Among them, for instance, are Richard Rice, David Larson and Zack Plantak, who all teach in the School of Religion at Loma Linda University. In their respective field they are all eminent scholars and gifted teachers. But not very far from Loma Linda University is another Adventist university: La Sierra University. Near the campus meets every Thursday morning a small group of Adventist theologians. They call their informal gathering: The Dead Prophet Society. I had the pleasure of meeting with them in their usual meeting place: Starbucks.

One of those present was Fritz Guy. Though he is in the age category of the ‘strong’ (Psalm 90) his mind is as sharp as ever. If there were a list of the ten most influential Adventist theologians, he would certainly be among them. He may be best known for his book Thinking Theologically: Adventist Christianity and the Interpretation of Faith (Andrews University Press, 1999). It was a faith-building pleasure to read it—now many years ago. Recently, Fritz Guy has authored, together with Dr. Brian Bull (a pathologist at Loma Linda University), a series of three books about an issue that remains very important for many Adventist believers, namely: How to read the book of Genesis, in particular the chapters 1-11. Fritz gave me a copy of the third book of the series, which recently came off the press. It is published by Adventist Forum, the parent-organization of the Spectrum Journal.

Arriving home, this book, entitled God, Genesis & Good News, was at the top of my reading list. It proved to be one of those books that confirm what one has been thinking, but that articulate it in all along, but does so in a way that helps to get a much firmer grip on the issue. Brian Bull and Fritz Guy set out to provide a new translation of the original Hebrew text, which they call the Original Hearers Version (OHV). They tell the reader of their book that they can only have a proper understanding of the Genesis account, if they ask how its original hearers understood it. The book of Genesis must not be used to find answers to modern scientific questions. It is theology rather than science or proto-science. It is about God and his works, as understood by the first hearers, several millenniums ago. If read in this way, there is no longer any need for a reconciliation between the biblical stories and the current state of scientific research. I have just ordered the two previous books of this trilogy and look forward to also reading those.

Ronald Graybill was also present at the Starbucks meeting. He is an accomplished historian. Thirteen years of his working life were spent as a key staff member of the E.G. White Estate, the office that cares for the literary heritage of Mrs. White. He gave me a copy of his meticulously researched book that has also very recently appeared: Visions and Revisions: A Textual History of Ellen G. White’s Writings (published by Oak and Acorn, 2019). I read this while I was still in the USA. Graybill gives a fascinating description of the process that begins with the handwritten manuscript and ends with a printed copy of Ellen White’s messages. The deciphering of these original documents is often much more challenging than most people know, and the role of her husband James and many assistants in the further processing of what Ellen White had written, was in most cases much greater than most current readers are aware of. Bonnie Dwyer, the editor of Spectrum, who happened (like me) to be a one-time guest at the Starbucks meeting, asked me to write a review of the book for Spectrum. I gladly agreed to do so. The review is now posted on the Spectrum website. See:

Death and beyond death

For years my blog has been announced as ‘almost weekly’. As far as I can remember I haven’t once skipped a week in the years I’ve been writing my blog. But last week was an exception. I was in the United States with my wife. There, as mentioned in an earlier blog, I received an award for my work in the Adventist Church. In addition, I had appointments for a few lectures and sermons, and we had the opportunity to visit some good friends who live near Loma Linda University. However, we decided to end our trip prematurely, when my wife’s sister’s health became critical. She died three days after our return.

A death in your immediate surroundings–of a family member or a close friend–confronts us with the fragility of human existence. And regularly paying visits to a hospital, as my wife and I did for a number of weeks, has a similar effect. You see too much evidence of physical detoriation and misery! And there are also too many reports from one’s circle of family, (former) colleagues, friends, neighbors and other acquaintances about tia’s, infarcts, bypasses, artificial hips and cancer-diagnoses. You sometimes almost feel guilty if all you have so far experienced is suffering from a bit of high blood pressure and/or an elevated blood sugar level. Having said that, it is important to always remind ourselves that, fortunately, there are also many robust and healthy people, and that there are still lots of people who almost effortlessly cross the threshold of ninety years. According to recent data, there are now more than 2100 centenarians in the Netherlands!

It so happens that the Dutch version of my recent book about death, resurrection and eternal life is coming off the press this very week. It is based on the recently published book: I HAVE A FUTURE: CHRIST’S RESURRECTION AND MINE (Stanborough Press, 2019). The Dutch title is: IK HEB EEN TOEKOMST: over dood, opstanding en eeuwig leven. The Dutch version is published by the Dutch Adventist Church and can be ordered through the Service Centre of the church. The link is:

The price is € 12,95.

It is up to others to judge the content of the book. For me, writing it was an intense, but very positive, experience. It helped me to think through the problems of death and resurrection in a structured way. Do I really believe that there is life after death? Is there enough evidence? Is the gospel story of Jesus’ resurrection really credible? And if there is eternal life, what does it look like? I didn’t find a definitive answer to all my questions, but it was a very constructive process. I myself have the impression that this book is perhaps the best I have written so far. But maybe some readers will think differently. I am curious. In any case, I hope that my reflections will at least help a number of people in finding answers to their questions about life and death.

Let me add this: In many publications of Adventist vintage one finds very frequent quotes from the books of the most famous Adventist author, Ellen G. White. I deliberately did not follow that model. My reasoning is based on the Bible and I have consciously attempted in my use of terms and my over-all approach to ensure that also readers with a non-Adventist background will feel addressed. Whether I have succeeded will have to be seen. Any reactions from readers will be very welcome!

The Charles Elliott Weniger Award

Nobobdy could have been more surprised than I was when last July I received a message from dr. Bernard Taylor, the president of the Charles Elliott Weniger Society for Excellence that I was one of the four persons the board of this society had chosen as the 2020 recipients of the Charles Elliott Weniger Award of Excellence.

This was what he wrote to me by way of explanation: Seminary dean, English professor, gifted public speaker, Charles Elliott Weniger influenced a generation of ministers through his classes in homiletics at the Seventh-day Adventist Seminary in the 1950s. His students remembered him for his modeling of excellence and his kindness, the two proving to be an inspiring combination. In 1974, ten years after the death of Dr Weniger, three of his friends established the society to honor his memory and the qualities of excellence that were paramount in his life. Through its annual award program, the Society seeks to identify and recognize the contributions made to the world by Adventists with similar significant traits of character.

I was informed that the 2020 awards would be given during a ceremony in Loma Linda on February 15. Besides myself, the persons to be honored are Dr. Andrea T. Luxton, president of Andrews University, Dr. Richard T. Hart, president of Loma Linda University and Dr. A Danoune Diop, director of the department of public affairs and religious liberty of the General Conference of the Adventist world church.

The awards have now been given for some 45 years and many leader and scholars in the church have been honored with this ‘award of excellence’. Among them are such eminent men and women as Jan Paulsen, Bert B. Beach, Nils-Erik Andreasen, Ella Simmons, Lyn Behrens, Roy Branson, William Johnsson, Richard Rice, and Fritz Guy—just to name some of them.

The program for the Award ceremonies on February 15 will begin at 4.30 pm and will be held in the Loma Linda University Church. It will be streamed via the LLBN (Loma Linda Broadcasting Network). For those interested, the link is: Note that 4.30 pm is the local time in California, which is 1.30 am Dutch time and 2.30 am UK time.